Call for SAGE Executive Council nominations

Hello Graduate Students,


Please send your nomination for these positions (be it yourself or another cohort member) to by Monday, April 13:


Call for nominations from April 7-13. Campaigning will be from April 14-16.

SAGE will vote on April 17. Details on voting procedures will be forthcoming.

If you have questions, please email ( or approach any SAGE Council member.

Below is the list of positions available and their definitions, taken from the SAGE General By-laws, specifically articles 6.2, 6.3, 6.4, and 6.6. The General By-laws are posted on the SAGE website.

6.2 The President shall:
i. Act as Chairperson at the first regular fall Council meeting until the Council votes upon a Chairperson. Once voted upon, that person will act as Chairperson at all regular Council meetings and at the SAGE General Assemblies;
ii. Arrange for the Annual General Assembly in April;
iii. Oversee the day-to-day management of SAGE, and ensure all other Council members are performing their duties as defined below;
iv. Direct the implementation of Council resolutions;
v. Act as the liaison between SAGE and the GSA, the Faculty of Arts and Sciences, and all external organizations;
vi. Be the official spokesperson of SAGE;
vii. Publish an annual report summarizing SAGE’s achievements and activities during the President’s term;
viii. Have authority to create committees and delegate unto them the powers and tasks they choose;
ix. Represent SAGE at Department of English faculty meetings;
x. Carry out any other duty the Council deems relevant to the President portfolio.

6.3 The VP Internal shall:
i. Assume responsibility over the academic and departmental direction of SAGE;
ii. Represent SAGE at Department of English faculty meetings;
iii. Serve as SAGE liaison with the faculty, staff, and undergraduate student associations within the Department of English for anything associated with the academic and creative streams;
iv. Assume the responsibility of the President in the absence of the President;
v. Support and aid the President in the course of their duties;
vi. Appoint SAGE members as student representatives to committees within the department.
vii. Carry out any other duty the Council deems relevant to the VP Internal portfolio.

6.4 The VP Social shall:
i. Assume responsibility over the social events put on by SAGE;
ii. Organize events that connect SAGE members to students in other universities as well as events with the Concordia Association of Students in English (CASE);
iii. Support and aid the President in the course of their duties;
iv. Mobilize the SAGE membership’s participation in GSA, Teaching and Research Assistants at Concordia (TRAC), and other pertinent social and political causes;
v. Manage the Graduate Lounge;
vi. Carry out any other duty the Council deems relevant to the VP Social portfolio.

6.6 The Treasurer shall:
i. Chair the Budget Committee meetings;
ii. Be responsible for the custody of all records, ledgers, receipts, or documents dealing with the financial affairs of SAGE.;
iii. Be responsible for the SAGE accounting process and for all receipts and disbursements;
iv. Be responsible for the administration of funds according to SAGE and for the preparation of all financial statements;
v. Carry out any other duty the Council deems relevant to the Treasurer portfolio.